This Pigs In A Blanket Pizza Is The Perfect Thing To Devour For The Big Game

The Big Game is only a week away and you need to start thinking of all your game day menu options while cheering on your team.
Krave It Sandwich Shop & Eatery, created a pizza that may very well be the ultimate game day party food. It’s essentially a pigs in a blanket pizza and we’re not mad about it at all.
Called the Battle of the Pigskin (get it?), the pizza is topped with Chili con Carne, Fritos, scallions, white onions, bacon, hot dog slices, mozzarella cheese, cheddar cheese, Monterey jack cheese, and chipotle Sriracha mustard, all cooked on a pigs in a blanket crust.
Boy, how we’d love to wrap ourselves up inside this pie. Kind of wish there was a Krave It in California so I can order one for Royal Rumble this Sunday as well. Perhaps one day.
The Battle of the Pigskin is available now until the day of the Big Game at the Bayside, NY, restaurant. Any NYC readers feel like mailing us a slice?