Artist Transforms Bananas Into Mesmerizing Works of Art

We love it when folks get creative with food, not just in their recipes, but with artistic expression as well. We can appreciate people who draw characters on Starbucks coffee cup sleeves or creepy mouths on ceramic plates.
Now we take a look at some pretty crazy banana art, where Instagramer FunWithFruit does stuff with bananas we never thought possible (get your mind out of the gutter).
From a beautiful Wizard of Oz drawing that shows the Oz team walking down the yellow brick road, to a take on the Beatles’ classic Yellow Submarine, these intricate paintings are pretty impressive.
Check them out below and see more on the Instagram account:
Banana Brick Road
Japanese Banananese
Black Swanana
That Swimmer Has No Chance
Bananas Wearing Pajamas or Something
Banana Dragon That Looks Like Mushu
Kermit Trying to Blend in
Banana Water Slide
Shady Birds Plotting to Crap on Your Car
Some Naked Chick
Under the Seafood
Banana Boat, Obviously
We All Live in a Yellow Subanana
h/t Bored Panda