A Bacon Vending Machine Exists And We Need One For Ourselves ASAP

Finals week is the most stressful time of the semester for college students, who struggle to get more than a sloppy-made PB&J or pack of ramen going while cramming in as much studying as possible. Students at The Ohio State University don’t have to worry as much about that, though, as they’ve been graced with a bacon vending machine that gives out packages of bacon for just $1.
Photo courtesy of the Ohio Pork Council
Created by the Ohio Pork Council, students can find the vending machine in the Animal Science building at Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. It contains shelf-stable packages containing either a bag of bacon bits or a dozen strips of bacon from Hormel, Sugardale, and Smithfield. Each package costs $1 and is aimed at helping the students get through their finals week struggles.
The machine is also giving back to the community. Proceeds of the machine will go back to Ohio State’s meat science program, who is in charge of restocking and maintaining the machine while it’s on campus.
“This campaign has provided us with a really fun way to promote pork products and give a little back to the community – something farmers do every day but do not often talk about it,” said Emily Bir, The Ohio Pork Council’s Director of Communications. “The Ohio State University Meat Science Department has always been a great resource for our farming community and product development. We could not be happier to donate the proceeds of this campaign back to OSU Meat Science programs.”
Students can take advantage of the bacon machine until December 13th, when it will no longer be available. After that, time will tell if the machine will make another appearance elsewhere.