McDonald’s Australia Now Testing Home-Delivery
Getting your Big Mac delivered is probably a lot slower than just going to a drive-thru, but it’s definitely a lot lazier.
McDonald’s Australia has teamed up with Menulog, a website that allows you to order food online, and created a system where the fast food giant will be able to deliver its food straight to customers’ homes.
Officially called McDelivery, the service is currently live in parts of North South Wales, an area which Business Insider reports has a combined overweight or obese population rate of between 57 and 62%. It is also slated to launch later this month at two locations in Queensland and Victoria, which have overweight-obese rates between 64 and 67%.
To benefit from the service, McAussies must place their orders between 6 and 9 p.m., for minimum price of $25, plus $5 delivery fee, or about the cost of three Big Mac combos.
On second thought, you might be better off just walking, mate.