
This Is The Worst Cooking Show On The Internet & We Love Every Second Of It

The Internet has an abundance of cooking videos. Some are great and some are pretty bad. Only a few of those videos walk the fine line between both. Enter Ashwin's Hip Foods.

A recent Reddit post claimed this to be the worst YouTube cooking show on the platform, reports BroBible. Ashwin, the titular host of the series, shows viewers how to create simple dishes in roughly a minute... with every recipe ending in a disaster.

Upon watching the series, however, we were delighted to see how hilariously bad it was. Take this gem of a line, for example:


My fruitcakes are so trill, that they nicknamed me "Fruitcake" in high school.

There's seriously no way he's doing this unintentionally.

Check out the rest of Ashwin's hip cooking series, as well as his nature series if you find yourselves enjoying the YouTube celebrity.