Artist Makes Stunning Action Figures Out Of Crab And Lobster Shells

In social media’s never-ending rabbit hole of creativity, a food artist has taken “playing with your food” to new levels. A video shared by foodartchefs shows a table full of elaborately designed figures made from lobster and crab shells.
The characters are reminiscent of Japanese tokusatsu-style action fighters, which is the genre that popular kids TV show “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” comes from.
The six sculptures are meticulous, and were clearly made by someone who knows what they’re doing. As the camera cycles through each on a rotating table, a dance-inflected rendition of what sounds like a traditional tokusatsu opening theme plays. Each figure actually looks formidable with its spiky crustacean exteriors.
Unfortunately, the artist behind these amazing creations wasn’t tagged in the post. Reactions from the comment section ranged from amazed to creeped out, and everything in between.
Whatever your impression, you gotta appreciate what the human imagination comes up with when it ignores societal expectations like basic table manners.