Are You A Tarty Pink Lady or Red Delicious? Find What Apple Fits Your Mood
You want a healthy snack for breakfast, you say? Well, does your butler do your shopping? You might enjoy the sweet firmness of a bright red Honeycrisp apple. And when it’s lunch, you will want to enjoy your spinach salad with goat cheese and none other than the delicate Golden Delicious. And for dessert, if you feel like an apple pie that Jason Biggs made and did God-knows-what with, The Daily knows just the apple for your racy appetite: the twentieth century Pink Lady, tart and crisp.
This fail-safe guide to choosing the perfect apple this fall season will be an essential when you venture out to the Farmer’s Market on Saturday morning. The apple stand will no longer be a flurry of shades of red that you choose at random. In fact, after navigating the flow chart, it will finally make sense why you hate Granny Smith apples — because you hate pie! You will know which apple goes best with your PB & J, or the which apple you should pair with brie and if you were on the first season of Extreme Couponing, we’ve got just the apple for you.
via The Daily