Restaurant Combined Tom Yum Soup With Ravioli And It’s Beautiful

Our buddy Andy invited us over to the Union Market in Mission Viejo, CA, last week where we got to visit a few dope spots at the brand new food hall.
While sippin on some tea at Milk Box, our eyes caught a restaurant across the hall.
Anchor Hitch, it’s called.
Known for their raw take on seafood dishes, one dish in particular caught our attention. This was the Tom Yum Agnoletti.
Those might now Tom Yum as a popular Thai soup dish made with shrimp. Anchor Hitch’s version combines the Thai staple with the texture of a ravioli.
It’s made with shrimp-stuffed ravioli, a Tom Yum cream, sautéed maitake mushrooms, scallions and sesame seeds.
The chefs plate it in a way that captures the beautiful of an island meant to be seen from a birds eye view.
Fellow Foodbeast Geoff had this to say:
The combination of mixing elements of a soup dumpling and ravioli is already impressive. But by then adding a new dimension of Tom Yum soup into the equation, is nothing short of brilliance.
For a dude that’s been in the food world for nearly a decade, that’s some pretty high praise.
You can find Anchor Hitch at:
27741 Crown Valley Pkwy
Mission Viejo, CA 92691