Watch American Kids Try Christmas Foods From Around The World

Christmas is almost here and while we’re stressed about what to serve for that big holiday dinner, we should draw some inspiration from Christmas dinners held in other countries from around the world.
Cut’s series American Kids Try takes a look at the holidays in their 10th episode. In it, the adorable group of children try Christmas foods from around the world.
Dishes include barbecued shrimp and pavlova (a meringue-based dessert) from New Zealand, pig roast & rice with pigeon peas from the Dominican Republic, and a bucket of fried chicken and a Christmas cake from Japan.
Their reactions to the contrast of cultures, tastes, and textures are pretty priceless. The food itself looks pretty damn good, too. Check out the video to see what foods other countries celebrate the holidays with.
I seriously envy Japan’s tradition of fried chicken and cake. Sounds like a tradition we should start for ourselves here in the states.