Tea Lovers Get The Ultimate Experience At American Tea Room

Tea time need not be boring. Sure, the mental picture of pinkies up, dry biscuits, and proper etiquette doesn’t strike anybody as appealing in the very least. But what if high-tech, interactive video boards, crazy expensive tea machines worth more than a Kardashian procedure, and the coolest, most expansive premium tea lineup is involved in this tea time experience? Yeah, I know, I’d be wanting in, too.
Enter American Tea Room in Los Angeles, CA. Here you can steep yourself in an extensive and optimal tea lover’s paradise, where you’re immersing various senses to see, touch, smell, and most importantly taste what a top notch tea experience should be.
CEO and Tea Master David Barenholtz has ensured that his selection of teas is a well-curated collection that’s become one of the most coveted in the country. The space itself is an expansive and chic atmosphere that lets all shop, sip, and learn about Barenholtz’s wide-ranging tea offerings — from rare and quality varieties sourced from all over the world to premium matcha green tea whisked right in front of you.
So at ease stiff pinkies, tea time’s simply a good time at American Tea Room.