Watch Irish People React To Trying American Peanut Butter For The First Time

Late-night hunger pangs can be a cruel mistress. You’re stuck in the twilight between nuking something in the microwave, or just going back to sleep. More often than not, sleep loses that battle and we end up making ourselves a sandwich. The quickest and quietest solution: a good old fashioned sandwich made with American peanut butter.
Facts, the YouTube channel behind Irish People trying American BBQ, is at it again.
The panel try the most popular peanut butter brands like Jif, Smuckers, Creamy Reese’s, and Skippy.
Check out the video below to see their different stances on American peanut butter brands and which ones they enjoyed the most. Personally, we were always partial to Skippy.
Watching these lads and lasses try all the American peanut butter we have at our disposal really makes us curious about the differences between them all. Perhaps on our next grocery run, we’ll pick up a few. Can’t hurt to grab some jelly either.