American Couple Caught Trying To Take 375 Pounds Of Fruit Roll-Ups Into Israel

Who knew Fruit Roll-Ups were popular in Israel? In probably one of the strangest Customs discoveries, an American couple was caught trying to take 375 pounds of the snack time favorite into the country. Stuffed to the brim in three large suitcases, a video shared to Twitter shows Customs agents sifting through the packs of Fruit Roll-Ups to check if their suspicions were… fruitful. 

Whether or not the couple were smuggling is unclear. According to USA Today, visitors are only allowed to bring food items as personal gifts, and the total value mustn’t exceed $200. *Watches video again* Yeah, definitely looks like more than $200 in Fruit Loops. My guess is that the Americans thought that bringing 375 pounds of candy was legal. I mean, it’s just candy after all.

However, they probably didn’t consider that the candy might contain ingredients that are illegal. Legality aside, as the Customs agent checks each suitcase, you can tell that behind his stoic reaction, he’s just itching to grab a handful.

In the comments, people had plenty to say about the whole ordeal:

Photo: Twitter
Photo: Twitter

As of now, it’s unclear whether the couple got in further trouble, or simply had their suitcases of candy confiscated. All I know is, somebody had to take some of dem thangs home with them.

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