This Butcher Teaches You How To Break Down Alligator Meat Step-by-Step [GRAPHIC]

It takes years of practice and dedication to become a butcher. Between knowing the meat you’re working with like the back of your hand and having enough strength to guide a knife through flesh without ruining the meat, butchery is no easy task. Though some butchers make it look easy enough.

In many ways, The Florida Sportsman has shown us such, after they released a controversial video showing a butcher skinning, cleaning, deboning, and filleting an alligator. While the video garnered many views, its “Like” bar was split nearly 50/50 with tens of thousands of people either enjoying the content or hating it. There’s definitely a fascinating utility to the video, regardless of one’s stance on the subject matter.

Check out the 10-minute step-by-step video above. Y’know, in case you ever need to know how to prepare an alligator sometime in the near future.

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