Skittles Thought Going ALL WHITE Was The Best Way To Celebrate Diversity

June is LGBT Pride month, which means all month long we’re going to see every company in existence try to do something Pride-ish.

In an attempt to do their own Pride-related branding, SkittlesUK thought it’d be a good idea to go all white, because nothing says ‘accepting diversity’ like making everything one uniform color.

Their promotional video said, “You see, during Pride only one rainbow deserves to be the center of attention, so Skittles have given theirs up.”

Thank you for your sacrifice, Skittles, but you didn’t have to be so extra. Skittles was already tailor-made for Pride tributes, as their whole marketing revolves freakin’ rainbows!

There are some people calling racism, and while that’s a stretch, it’s kind of funny that Skittles didn’t think that would be an assumption that would attach itself to their campaign.




They released an additional video saying that they went monochrome because they didn’t want to steal Pride’s “rainbow thunder,” but in the process, still stole Pride’s rainbow thunder, as it’s generating so much heat.

The all-white Skittles obviously got some opposition, but in the end, it was an honest effort to do something different. On top of that, Skittles was donating money to LGBT charities for this, so you can’t get too mad.

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