Airplane Food: Economy Vs. First Class Meals on 19 Airlines

Only those of us who frequently fly international have the pleasure of dining of airline food, but what even fewer people know is the often huge difference between the food they serve in economy and the meals they serve in first class.
Here’s how the food looks on 19 airlines around the world (depending on where you sit in the plane):
1. United Airlines
via flickr
2. American Airlines
via flickr
3. Delta Air Lines
via flickr
4. Emirates
via flickr
5. British Airways
via flickr
6. Air France
via flickr
7. Air Canada
via flickr
8. Lufthansa
via flickr
9. Royal Dutch Airlines (KLM)
via flickr
10. All Nippon Airways (ANA)
via flickr
11. Japan Airlines
via rikiching
12. Korean Air
via imgur
13. Singapore Airlines
via flickr
14. Thai Airways
via tuangthana
15. Cathay Pacific
via flickr
16. Air China
via flickr
17. Turkish Airlines
via flickr
18. Aegean Airlines
via inflightfeed
19. Kenya Airlines
via muhia_moh
Source: BoredPanda
Written by Editorial Staff, NextShark