A Restaurant For Nude People And Colorful Rainbow Pizza [THE KATCHUP]

If I’ve learned one thing from The Katchup, it’s that “crazy” and “food” go together like Bey and Jay. Oh, wait…
A young boy began selling lemonade in order to pay for his own adoption. Direct hit to the feels, am I right or am I right? Beyonce’s Beyhive (aka biggest fans) went into full attack mode on celebrity chef Rachael Ray after mistaking her for the woman Jay-Z is accused of having an affair with, American fashion designer Rachel Roy.
If you ever want the government to seize your Venmo funds, just write “ISIS” in the memo. One dude learned that the hard way. A new restaurant in London will cater to nude people in order to create a “natural” eating environment. Sounds like a waste of a lot of good chairs to me. Finally, somebody went out and made rainbow-colored pizza, because why the f*** not?
I hope you brought some hot dogs, because we’ve got…