A Hilarious Fake Commercial for Pizza Hut’s New ‘F*ck You Pizza’

Let’s be frank, the latest products released from Pizza Hut‘s around the world have been nothing short of haphazard Epic Meal Time episodes.
A pizza with cheeseburgers in the crust? Pizza Hut UK with a Hot Dog Stuffed Crust? These new products are just begging to be parodied, and that’s exactly what the folks at WorldWideInterweb did.
The “All-new ‘F*ck You’ Pizza from Pizza Hut” is a 13,470-calorie monstrosity comprised of a pizza topped with Burger King Whoppers, fries, Arby’s nacho cheese, Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and a healthy dose of satire.
If you order two of these pies on one receipt, you’ll get a free punch to the face. No joke.
Here’s the commercial: