A Breakdown Of American Spending During The 4th Of July Weekend

Another Independence Day has passed as we now suffer through the struggles of the 5th of July. I’m sure we all had fun playing drinking games, grilling burgers and thanking the Smith/Goldblum duo for saving us from aliens, but the day after any big party always comes with an apprehensive approach to our bank accounts.
Seeing how much we individually spend is a frightening thought, but there’s something a bit reassuring in seeing how much we spent, ate and drank collectively, as a nation. It’s just nice to know that we’re all degenerate spenders together. According to Fox News, these are some of the wildest numbers we both recorded and should expect.
The amount each household spent on average on supplies for their parties, including food and picnic ingredients and products.
$6.8 Billion
The total amount of money spent this 4th of July from each consumerist household. While we can all agree that the point of the 4th is to celebrate our independence and freedom, it would be naive to think that supermarkets and liquor stores aren’t also celebrating a very productive day for their respective businesses.
22.8 Million
The estimated number of cases of beer sold nationwide during the 4th of July weekend. That means roughly 547.2 million individual cans or bottles of beer were sold. If you assume that it takes an average of seven beers to get one person drunk, that means there could have potentially been 78 million drunk people walking around America over the weekend.
150 Million
The number of hot dogs eaten on the 4th. if placed tip to tip, the hot dogs could line up to and from DC to LA more than five times. Four of those hot dogs came from me, thank you very much.
The number of hot dogs professional eater Joey Chestnut ate this year at the annual hot dog eating contest held at Nathan’s Famous, a Coney Island fixture famous for its hot dogs.
The number of pyrotechnic effects, displays and fireworks during the Macy’s 4th of July fireworks show held in New York City every year.
$710 Million
The estimated amount of money spent on consumer fire works during this holiday weekend, excluding the grand and lavish displays put on by major companies and corporations.
$4.4 Million
The amount of money spent on American flags last year. Surprisingly enough, about 98% of those flags were made in and imported from China.