90s Cartoons and Cereal Pairings: A Classy Affair

Cartoons and cereal are sacred to any kid. They’re the closest thing little, funny human beings have to cuisine and culture. Now, consider the art form that is blending, enhancing the ultimate experience of childhood. Here now are cartoon and cereal pairings to class it up a bit.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Fruit Loops


Photos: Pinterest and Foodbeast

This celebrated study of color and individualism exemplifies what it means be unique while working well as part of a group. Cherish the component and the whole in this brilliant pairing of singularity as a means of teamwork.


X-Men / Crunch Berries


Photos: The AV Club and Walmart

Among the bland beiges of life, there are fascinating, extraordinary pops of added color and extra flavor. Experience the theory with nearly all your senses and philosophize what would be if only the feverish humans of this series could see the beautiful balance and perfect harmony of this cereal. The pairing makes for a delicious metaphor.


Rugrats / Honey Nut Cheerios


Photos: PRI and Soap

A cereal your parents also ate for a show your parents also watched, this combination explores the relationship of parent-child. A fragile dance of senses, it bounces with enough flavor to be a treat, but mellows with enough restraint to be sensible.


Doug / Life


Photos: Huffington Post and Serious Eats

Elevate your nature with a character study that essentially asked you to understand the intricacies of life. The show’s muted color palette and healthy outlook pairs well with this thoughtful, mature cereal, making it a pairing for the ages.


Rocko’s Modern Life / Reese’s Puffs


Photos: Polygon and Relish

Go beyond the scope of everyday humdrum with a show you couldn’t believe your parents let you watch and a cereal you couldn’t believe they let you eat. Together, off-the-chart flavor and just enough “out there” will have you feeling lifted, as if you’re getting away with something you shouldn’t.


The Magic School Bus / Alpha-Bits


Photos: Google Play and Wal-mart

Focus is key in this coupled adventure of tutelage. Improving our knowledge and revitalizing our senses is what we should strive for each and every day. Here, feed your stomach as much as your brain by learning while snacking and viewing.


Hey Arnold! / Chex


Photos: Hello Giggles and Wal-mart

Follow your spoon as an extension of your heart with this quaint reflection of urban upbringing. The show proved that no matter who you are, you are welcomed. Celebrate individualism by picking one of the flavors of the family — Rice, Honey Nut, Cinnamon, Wheat, and Chocolate among them — that best encapsulates who you are, where you’re going, and what you’ll be someday.


The Weekenders / Rice Krispie Treats


Photos: Disney Wiki and PicClick

A study in cool, this program carries every interest in you living up to the level of steez you’ve always known you had in you, whether on the surface or deep down. Triumph over any doubt by eating the cereal so cool that it’s just as good as a milkless snack.


Pokémon / Lucky Charms


Photos: Otaku Dome and PopSugar

Keep on the lookout for the best part of your world, whether it’s fierce creatures or marshmallows. There’s no such thing as kind of trying here. In this evaluation of what you have and what you want, you’ll investigate the satisfaction of (finally) catching them all.


Batman: The Animated Series / Count Chocula


Photos: Comic Vine and Cerealously

A moody pairing, these two celebrate dark tones and darker themes that you’ll be all too willing to embrace. These tasty concoctions make for a tastier combination that also makes you think. Welcome your most pensive nature.


Recess / Cinnamon Toast Crunch


Photos: Black Nerd Problems and General Mills

Matched with a structured audio/visual presentation of what we know to be childhood, this cereal was the quintessential breakfast choice of the cabinet or pantry. It was the one we could all agree on as kids, paired with a show that pointed out the wild subtleties of playground politics.

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