9 Stomach-Turning Things People Have Found in Their Food

When we order at the drive-thru or buy our favorite foods at the store, we probably think we know what we’re getting. ‘Think’ being the operative word there. But even if we’ve eaten our go-to menu item or late-night snack, time and time again, there’s still a chance that we’ll find a little something ~extra~ inside our meal.
Everyone has probably heard the urban legends of finding a Band-Aid in your Big Mac or a finger in your chili, right? Well, it might be easiest to push those nauseating tales deep down and enjoy your food in ignorant bliss, but these sickening stories are all too true.
Here are 9 of the weirdest things people have found in their poor, innocent food.
Not knowing what’s in our processed bread is something that’s sparked outrage for years – but if anyone really has a right to complain, it’s Stephan Forse. This English dad picked up a loaf of Hovis bread and starting slicing into it to make his kids a sandwich for lunch, but then he noticed something unusual.
“To start with, I thought it was just where the dough hadn’t mixed up before it’s put in the oven,” Forse said. “But when I walked back across the kitchen and looked into the bread, I saw it had fur on it and it didn’t look anything like dough.”
As if this could get more horrific, the mouse was found with no tail, and Hovis is unsure where the tail could have gone. *Shudder.* This news clip from Sky News gives the full deets on the unfortunate find.
Band Aid
When it comes to fast, cheap, and delicious dinners, nothing beats the occasional visit to McDonald’s. With their speedy line service, you’re pretty much assured to get the same quality food every time you eat at the chain. Well, almost every time.
North Idaho mom, Crystal English, made a disgusting discovery after she picked up a quick McDonald’s dinner for her family. Her husband was finishing his burger when he noticed something strange had fallen out from between the buns. Local news KHQ6 shared a video account of the gross ordeal they went through.
“My husband got down to his last bite, he dipped it in his ranch packet – and there was a Band-Aid left in the ranch,” English told Channel KHQ6. “First thing that comes to mind is, ‘What diseases can be transferred from that?’ You never know.”
Black Widow Spider
You’ve probably heard the horror stories of people finding creepy crawlies in their produce, but what this Detroit woman found takes the cake. Ariel Jackson was washing a container of grapes she had purchased at a local Walmart Supercenter when she found a venomous black widow crawling through the fruit.
Detroit station WXYZ-TV reported in this news clip that although this scary situation might seem unlikely, there are dozens of recorded incidents of dangerous creatures like this passing through U.S. Customs on imported food.
“My nephew is one, if he had gotten bit – if it had gotten loose in the house overnight – something awful could have happened,” Jackson said. “It’s scary.”
We’ve barely come to accept maggots in cheese, but maggots in our chicken nuggets? That’s too far, universe.
The horror happened when Denna Tracey’s daughter said she wanted chicken nuggets for dinner, so Tracey picked up a bucket of ready-to-eat chicken from Walmart. After eating a few nuggets with her kid, Tracey noticed some little white invaders that made her stomach turn.
She immediately starting filming their contaminated chicken in a video that soon after went viral. Since seeing the maggots in her meal, Tracey was unable to eat for days – which could be the most tragic part of this nasty story, tbh.
“I just don’t feel like a refund is good enough for a situation like this,” Tracey told CBS 13 News in this segment. “This isn’t like returning a pair of pants with a little tear in them, this is something my daughter and I consumed.”
Lizard Head
When you pop out of the office to get a quick lunch, you’re most likely hoping for a nice sandwich or salad or cup of soup… basically anything that doesn’t involve a beheaded lizard. But Robin Sandusky was unfortunate enough to find this unsavory topping in a salad she picked up from a deli in Hell’s Kitchen.
GeoBeats reports in this news video that the salad was from a local eatery called Guy & Gallard, which KINDLY offered Sandusky a free salad to replace her first meal. (We’re being sarcastic here, the very least you can do is give this woman a free damn salad.) The restaurant claimed there was no proof that a lizard was in the salad before Sandusky got it, but the complaint was still investigated by local health officials.
Chicken Brain
Even the most rabid fried chicken lover would admit that some things are just too gross to fry up and munch on, like the head or the claws. And while discovering either of those bits in our food would make us sick to our stomachs, English student Ibrahim Langoo’s experience is a million times worse.
Langoo had picked up some delicious fried chicken from his local KFC in Essex, when he peeled back the skin to reveal some grey, lumpy material. That’s right, he had just uncovered fried chicken brain. b/60 reports that KFC later released a statement saying the entrails could have been a kidney, not a brain – because that’s so much better, obviously.
Human Tooth
How? Literally, how?! We’re not sure how to explain a Japanese woman discovering an actual human tooth in her McDonald’s French fries and neither is the Tokyo location where the molar was found; McDonald’s Tokyo offered no explanation, but did apologize to the patron.
Scripps National News reported that executives of McDonald’s Tokyo had this to say: “We are deeply sorry for this.”
If we were that woman, we would have needed a little bit more sympathy than that, dude.
Flying is terrible all on its own. The tickets are expensive, the seating is cramped – hey, you might be violently dragged off your flight at any given moment. So, needless to say, the last thing you need is your airplane food to, well, try and kill you.
Four passengers on a 2012 Delta flight from Amsterdam to Minneapolis opened up their turkey sandwiches to find needles buried in the meat.
CNN interviewed Jim Tonjes, one of the people who discovered a one-inch needle in his club sandwich.
“I took a bite and tasted that, then I took a second bite and felt a jab at the top of my mouth,” Tonjes described. “Sometimes with club sandwiches they’ll put a toothpick in and that’s what I thought it was – but when I looked inside, I saw a one-inch needle. It looked like a sewing needle.”
Moments later, another passenger found a needle in his sandwich and a third would be discovered after all food had been confiscated.
Razor Blade
In 2011, CBS News covered the terrifying story of an East Texas woman who found a razor blade in her Great Value ice cream.
“There’s usually a layer of chocolate right here, so I got a spoon to dig into it, and something sharp got the inside of my lip,” Stephanie Granger reported to news cameras.
At first, she thought it was a piece of machinery that fell into her container, but further examination found nope, it was a straight-up razor blade. Granger stayed alarmingly calm over the potentially dangerous situation saying she, “hopes to get an appropriate response” to what she found.
Umm, if that response is tearful apologies and free ice cream for life, then yes, that’s appropriate.