5 ‘Healthy’ Foods That Might Actually Ruin Your New Year’s Resolution Diet

Most of you would be lying if you say you’ve never had eating “healthy” foods as your New Year’s resolution. If you’re anything like me, that goal is probably already down the toilet.
Despite my daily trips to Whole Foods and Nekter, I wasn’t really eating healthy. But it’s not because I ate ice cream for the last 15 days (which I did). No, that’s not why I failed my 2018 resolution already. It’s because those “healthy” foods I was consuming were actually ruining my diet. All those times I chugged a cup of green juice and snacked on trail mixes? Well, no wonder I can’t diet properly to save a life.
Below is a top 5 “healthy” foods that may actually be ruining your diet.
1. Gluten-Free Food
Yes, some GF snacks indeed are healthier alternatives. But if it’s processed or packaged, even if it’s “gluten-free,” it can be significantly higher in calories and lower in carbs. So if I’m not gluten sensitive, why add the extra calories without the satisfaction of biting into a cupcake?
2. Green Juice
One word. Sugar.
Cold-pressed juices are loaded with veggies and fruits. But a popular bottled green juice has 260 calories, 60 grams of carbs and 52 grams of sugar! That’s more sugar than five Krispy Kreme glazed doughnuts!
Alternative? Drink a green smoothie. Unlike the juice alternative, smoothies retain the fibers from the veggies.
3. Fat-Free Anything
“Oh, it’s fat-free! It must be healthy.”
No. No. NO! Get that fat-free chocolate pudding out of your cart! Research shows fat-free/low-fat foods have up to 10% more calories and 40% more sugar. By removing fat, food loses its flavor. To compensate for the lack of flavor, companies add additional flavoring and sugar.
4. Trail Mix
Don’t say you never grabbed a handful of trail mix to pick out all the chocolate. Ok, maybe I tried to be a little bit “healthier” and ate the peanut butter chips too. Hey! Peanuts have protein, right? Well, it turns out that you are better off munching on some unsalted nuts. If you’re having a chocolate craving, opt for some dark chocolate.
5. Acai Bowls
You’re tempted. Those acai bowls are so pretty and totally Instagram ready. And you know what? It’s healthy for you, right? Nope.
You’re getting an acai bowl because acai is a superfood. You want that glowing skin and super immunity! Unfortunately, most acai bowls are high in calories and sugary. Why? Some bowls are made with frozen yogurt instead of a puree. It is also packed on with various toppings like fruit, granola, and honey. While acai itself is low in sugar and packed with antioxidants, think of all the extra calories the toppings and hefty portions add!