These Pop-Up Bread Cutters Will Turn Your Toast Into Cute 3D Animals

Sandwiches bringing you down lately? As delicious as they can be, and trust us, we know, sometimes staring at a slab of bread before you bite into your lunch just doesn’t cut it. Lucky for you, and us, a Japanese company called Torune has decided to elevate the sandwich to new levels of cute and squee.
They created a series of bread cutters and molds, in panda, frog, and little bear face shapes. But this isn’t your regular old cool sandwich shape story. Nope, these cutters turn sandwiches into adorable pop-up figurines.
After you cut your bread, using a little mold that’s literally as simple as a cookie cutter, you can tuck your sandwich to make its body stand up. It’s like the cutest little sandwich watchdog you never realized you needed. Or if you like, you can just cut out the mold and make tiny, animal shaped sandwiches. We won’t judge.
Sandwich Molds, $13.50.
H/T + PicThx First We Feast