This New Study Shows the Average Price of Pizza in Every U.S. State

If there’s one thing that we’re sure about regarding this nation, it’s that American is one big pizza-lovin’ country. But depending on where you’re at, a slice of ‘za could come in at different price points.
To help us figure out where the value slices are at in, researchers at Expensivity figured out the average price of pizza in every U.S. city and state and made the data available through some easily digestible infographics.
For example, below is a list of the Top 10 Cheapest Pepperoni Pizzas in the country:

To dig into the findings more, here’s some key data to note:
- The cheapest cheese pizza is in North Dakota, where the average price is $6.64.
- Alaska has the most expensive cheese pizza in the US on average, at $9.21.
- The city with the cheapest pepperoni pizza is Virginia Beach, VA ($6.26).
- Detroit, MI, is the city with the lowest density of pizzerias in the US (just 0.9 per 100k people) – while Fort Lauderdale, FL, has the highest density (95.4 per 100k people).
Take a deeper dive into the pie-ology of the 2021 US Pizza Index here.