10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know (And Probably Didn’t Want to Know) About PBR


Are you dying to know what other things Frederick Pabst (the once-owner of Pabst Brewing Company) named after himself over the years? Do you have a burning obsession with weird retro beer commercials? During Prohibition, the Pabst company had to diversify into cheese-making just to stay afloat – did that information just make you gasp in delight and run immediately to tell your neighbor? If you answered yes to any of those questions, sorry honey, but you’re a weirdo. Although, you might also appreciate this list of 10 things you didn’t know about PBR, courtesy of Thrillist.

Go on you crazy cheap-beer-trivia loving freaks. Go on.


1. PBR’s original owners were super narcissistic: OG owner Jacob Best named it Best and Company. Then his son Phillip called it Phillip Best Company. Finally Phillip’s son-in-law Frederick Pabst stuck us with a name uncomfortably reminiscent of a pap smear. Thanks, guy.



2. Pabst also had a neat Gatsby-esque resort with “rentable row boats, outdoor movies, tons of beer, and a Ferris wheel.” He also owned a theatre in Milwaukee.



3. That cheese I mentioned earlier that the company made during Prohibition? Yeah, they called that ish “Pabst-ett,” because apparently the better euphonies of language were completely lost on them.



4. They also sponsored boxing matches back in the day, for reasons.



5. 2009’s World’s Ugliest Dog was a boxer mix named “Pabst” for his “bitter beer face.”



6. There’s a genre of music called “PBR&B” that’s actually described as a subgenre of R&B, presumably includes folks like Frank Ocean and Macklemore and is sadly not some kind of beer-infused sandwich.



7. And finally, facts seven through ten aren’t really facts, but hilariously awkward ‘80s commercials. Yes really. No, we don’t know why.


Head over (or don’t) to Thrillist for the rest!

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