14 Food Delivery Tales That Are Weird, Terrifying, And Downright Disgusting

Once a former pizza deliver boy, I know there can be some pretty weird experiences while dropping off food to customers late into the night.
A recent question was posted on Reddit, asking food delivery people what were some of the weirdest deliveries they’ve ever had to make. Some of these tales are odd, others hilarious, and some are downright terrifying.
You can check out the highlights from the thread below. As with everything else found on Reddit, be sure to take these stories with a grain of salt.
Enjoy, and make sure to tip your food deliverers appropriately!
“Willis is in the dog food again!”
Amish family dinner
Delivered 30 pizzas to an Amish family. About a 35 minute drive. The entire family met me outside to grab a pizza. I took the rest in and followed them inside to their dining table. The elder of the family gestured to me to sit down with them and he pointed to the one open seat. I realized that they saved me a seat to eat with them.
I didn’t know too much about the Amish back then, and I wasn’t sure how rude it would be to say that in working and couldn’t/shouldn’t. I was also thinking on the other hand they could have killed me (remember I wasn’t an educated 16 year old). So I sat down and ate two slices of pepperoni pizza with them. I found the girl across the table to be very attractive. They said a prayer of some sort and didn’t talk much after that. Just asked my name and how thankful they were for me to drive all that way. I finally had to get back to work. They didn’t tip, which was fine.
I enjoyed the time with them.
Mid to late 50-year-old man comes to the door in an opened towel robe wearing Spider-Man undies.
I was a Chinese food delivery girl back in high school.
This gentleman opened the door very casually and honestly, I didn’t think much of his undies.
What was really funny was from the other room I hear what I assumed to be his wife call out, “Is that Chinese or Pizza? Did I win?!”
The man saw the white plastic bag and sighed. “You won!”
As he was closing the door after giving a generous tip all I could hear was a celebratory woooh from the woman.
The baddest of the bunch
I once delivered pizza to what seemed like a gang house. I pulled up and there are all these intimidating dudes with tattoos and bandanas all wearing the same colored clothes. I puckered up and felt my scrotum shrivel as I awkwardly shuffled past them with a bunch of pizzas to ring the doorbell.
They were all staring me down and it felt like the longest walk ever.
The person who ordered the pizza must have been the head honcho because he looked like the baddest of the bunch. The total was like $70 and he gave me a $100 bill and told me to keep the change.
I bolted out of there and returned back to the pizza place on autopilot because I was so scared.