11 Sweet Facts About Drumstick Ice Cream

Plain vanilla ice cream in a cone? Forget it. That sweet, simple dessert was basically made extinct in 1928, when I.C. Parker of the Drumstick Company invented the cone to end all cones: The Drumstick. And with initials like that, this man was clearly the Prodigal Son of frozen dairy treats. While there are a lot of “drumstick” ice cream cones out there, we can all agree that the Nestlé Drumstick was far and away the best of all the sticks. It’s okay to admit it, you’re in a safe place. Nothing can compare to that chocolate-dipped cone, that sweet vanilla ice cream covered in crunchy nuts, and that fudge core that went all the way down to the last bite. Right. You guys go ahead and enjoy these 11 fun throwback facts about Drumstick ice cream while I… go get myself a Drumstick ice cream.
Drumstick made a music video when they reached one million Facebook likes
Our favorite ice cream cone reached one million Facebook likes in October of 2012! To celebrate the social media milestone, Drumstick made the musical tribute “The Drumstick Ode to One Million Fans.” In a music video, actor and singer Nick Marzock played a ukulele while calling out names of real users from different cities and countries who’ve liked Drumsticks on Facebook. Now that’s how to show your fans some love.
There are 34 flavors
Is that not a surprising number of flavors, even considering how long this iconic ice cream has been around? Variations such as Caramel, Mint, and Peanut Butter alter the usual fudge filling inside the cone, while other flavors like Cookie Crunch, Pretzel, and Butterfinger have fun with the crunchy toppings on the ice cream itself. One thing is for certain: Nestlé could do just about anything to the Drumstick, and I would still eat it. (Just about, I said, I’m not trying to goad Nestlé into making a salmon-flavored Drumstick.)
Drumstick ice cream was made by accident
In 1928, on that fateful day that Drumstick ice cream was invented, I.C. Parker was in the candy factory eating a vanilla ice cream cone. When Parker had to step out for some urgent business, he handed the vanilla cone to one of the women making chocolates. But when your hands are covered in chocolate, well, you tend to drop things. Like ice cream cones. After the cone fell into a vat of chocolate, it was plopped onto a counter of peanuts – what are the odds, right? When Parker returned, he was inspired by the delicious mistake and the Drumstick was born. We can only hope they didn’t use that batch of chocolate and peanuts in their candy…
Parker’s wife unknowingly named the ice cream
Once the Drumstick was created and in the stages of pre-production, the Parker brothers were searching for a name for their creamy creation. Offhandedly, I.C. Parker’s wife, Jewel, noted that the invention looked like a chicken leg, commonly nicknamed a “drumstick” in the US. Just like that, the name stuck with the Parkers, just like it would with American consumers in the years to come.
There were Drumstick flavors made to embody Australian legends
In 2015, you could eat a few of your favorite famous Aussies. In a cone, of course. Still weird? To celebrate Nestle Drumstick Australia being around for over 50 years, Drumstick made an “Aussie Legends” line of treats that were meant to embody famous Australians. The two famous licks? Dame Edna Everage, who was immortalized in the delicious cone “Glamington” (the fabulous alter ego of comedian Barry Humphries) and “One Tough Cookie Dough” ice cream, inspired by Scottish-Australian rocker, Jimmy Barnes. The advertisements pitted the two against each other, as a competition to see “who was more famous.” I can only imagine if this was a campaign for American Drumsticks. I wonder what a Kim Kardashian-flavored Drumstick would be like?
Drumstick was the sponsor for Minor League Baseball
Minor League Baseball was sponsored by Drumstick for the league’s 2008 season. Drumstick traveled around the country with the Minor League for “Drumstick Days,” where games and promotional offers were held by Drumstick. The best promotion of all? With the purchase of two Drumsticks, you could have your own personalized Topps baseball card sent right to your doorstep. Two ice cream cones and your own baseball card? Yes, please.
In 2012, a bunker of Drumsticks was left in Washington Square Park
Nestle celebrated the start of the summer of 2012 in possibly the most epic way possible: a bunker filled with Drumsticks was suddenly dropped in Washington Square Park. The only instructions? To open the bunker and release the ice cream, hundreds of New Yorkers had to come out and hula hoop in the park. What a beautiful image. Finally, enough hula hooping New Yorkers came out to open the vault, giving free ice cream to hundreds of Drumstick lovers. Nothing has ever been more amazing than this.
Drumstick Super Nugget has almost two inches of chocolate at the bottom
It’s universally acknowledged that the best part of a Drumstick — and there are many amazing parts — is that final bite. The tip of every Drumstick is filled with an inch of solid chocolate, which has long been the most beloved part of the cone. By popular demand for more cone-tipped chocolate, Drumstick released the Super Nugget Cone, which has two inches of solid chocolate at the bottom of the cone, as opposed to one inch in regular cones. The people have spoken, and Drumstick has listened.
Drumstick was the first brand to use Periscope – ever
Twitter’s live stream app launched in the summer of 2015, and Nestlé Drumstick was on it. Drumstick was the first brand to use Periscope ever, using the new app to live stream “iconic summer moments” on June 21st, 2015. As a part of the summertime advertising campaign, Drumstick livestreamed a backyard barbecue, the beach, and a visit to an amusement park, among other classic summer scenes. That day, Drumstick’s Periscope Channel generated more than 5,000 views and more than 50,000 hearts in just over 12 hours, while influencer broadcasts generated 1,500 views and more than 64,000 hearts.
The “Lil’ Drums Heroes Contest” honored outstanding kids
In 2009, Drumstick held the “Lil’ Drums Heroes Contest,” where people nationwide could nominate amazing kids who made a difference in their community. The 10 winning kids received a $1,000 U.S. Savings Bond and a special delivery of enough Nestle Drumstick Lil’ Drums sundae cones to host a party for up to 50 family and friends. The kids who won had achievements on their resume such as helping to run charitable organizations, tutoring kids with learning difficulties in their school, and starting social awareness projects.