10 Useful Amazon Kitchen Products That Cost $5 Or Less

We’re plenty guilty of surfing through Amazon and buying a ton of unnecessary things from the online retailer. Quite a few of them, actually, are things to litter our kitchens with. So when an inexpensive kitchen gadget that makes our cooking experience much easier comes along, we kind of throw caution to the wind and go for it.
Fully realizing that all too common scenario, here are ten kitchen toys we found on Amazon that are less than $5. Our apologies ahead of time for any discomfort you might feel in your wallets.
Onion Holder Slicer
To the uninitiated, chopping an onion can be one of the most difficult tasks in the kitchen. Still, we hold back tears and risk bloody fingers just to dice that little bastard, because almost everything tastes better with onions.
Having an onion holder on deck assures that our fingers won’t accidentally slip and get sliced while we get to work. The tears, however, will probably be there.
Avocado Peeler & Cutter
Sure, you could learn how to properly peel and cut an avocado with a regular knife, or even a paring knife, but then you couldn’t play around with this nifty green gadget.
The avocado peeler and cutter will do exactly what the name mentions in a few extra steps less than if you are to use a knife. Anything to get that guac started.
Finger Protector
Anyone who has ever sliced their finger while prepping vegetables will know the value of practice… or a finger protector.
This gadget will protect your digits as if they were a mother bear protecting her cubs.
Hot Dog Cutters
Your bored, uninspired hot dogs have left you wanting more when it comes to barbecuing. Luckily, this hot dog spiraling device will ensure that your wieners get the pizzazz they’ve been desperately needing.
Mayo Knife
One of our biggest problems when making a cold sandwich is getting bits of mayonnaise at the base of our knife and then getting said mayonnaise on our fingers shortly after. The Mayo Knife is a plastic device designed specifically to avoid that problem as well as to give your sandwich a nice even spread.
Fruit Core Splitter
It’s said that an apple doesn’t actually have a core. For those who still want to avoid eating the center of a Red Delicious anyways, this fruit core splitter is just the thing to pop the inside our your apples straight out. There will be no unnecessary debate or worry about consuming those apple seeds.
Bear Claw Meat Shredder
Freshly smoked pulled pork is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Unfortunately, shredding it can leave your fingers burnt and calloused if done improperly. Unless you’re the Wolverine, you may want to invest in these dope bear claw meat shredders.
Garlic Peeler
Like onions, garlic is one of the most essential delicious ingredients at your disposal. The only problem is, working with garlic often leaves your finger smelling for hours. Unless you’re willing to take the necessary precautions to manually get that odor off, you can invest in this garlic peeler.
With a couple quick rolling motions, your garlic is peeled and your fingers smell as good as they did before you partook in this endeavor.
Egg Yolk Seperator
A huge part of baking is making sure you have egg yolks and whites. This means you have to know how to properly separate the components of the egg. If you tend to have trouble getting the whites outta there before your yolks crack, this separator will simply suck the yolks out in one quick motion.
This should make baking a lot simpler as you’re not having to mess around with shells.
Shark Fin Ice Tray
Cooking, while relaxing, can also be an exhausting experience. You’re gonna want to stay hydrated while in the kitchen. This shark fin ice cube tray will not only cool your drink, but create the whimsical illusion that there are some icy sharks cruising through your beverage.
Note: Prices may fluctuate a dollar or two from the time this article launched.