‘Comic Sans’ & Other Classic Fonts Re-Imagined as Food
A recent exhibit, “Taste the Font,” showcased a series of work visualizing what types of foods our favorite fonts would be. Design studio primprim created the curious art for Vilnius Design Week 2013, using paper sculptures to recreate font-to-food pieces, such as roasted marshmallows for Comic Sans and “traditional” fried eggs for Times.
However, I’ll have to disagree with the designers’ choice to go with “marshmallowish letters” for Comic Sans, as they actually look quite rough in paper form. I always imagined the playful font to be more of a donut, round and available in a spectrum of vivid colors.
As for the idea that Gothic 821 Condensed would be a cup of “[s]oft, bold and smooth letters,” again, I’ll have to disagree. Its thick, bold style is more similar to a harrowing pile of pancakes doused in ungodly amounts of maple syrup. A quiet cup of “milk foam” hardly does the outspoken font justice.
Of course, for those of you who think I’m completely off my rocker, you can head over here for the full series and decide for yourself.
H/T Design Taxi, PicThx primprim