18 Foods That Make You Grateful For Your Mom

Sure, comfort foods will always have a special place in your heart, but there’s nothing that can top yo’ mama’s finest. This post is dedicated to all the lovely women out there who made us who we are today. Our minds and stomachs wouldn’t be the same without you.
Press play and then proceed:
Here are our picks of the most memorable foods your mom made for you, in no particularly order:
18. Brownies
H/T + PicThx The Cupcake Fashionista
17. Burgers and fries
H/T + PicThx Food Republic
16. Chocolate Milk
H/T + PicThx Pitch
15. Pot Roast
H/T + PicThx In Sock Monkey Slippers
14. Tomato Soup with Grilled Cheese
H/T + PicThx Everyday Occasions
13. Meatloaf
H/T + PicThx Hungry Poodle
12. Mac and Cheese
H/T + PicThx Wiki
11. Homemade Cookies (Still Warm)
H/T + PicThx Kevin & Amanda
10. Tuna Melts
H/T + PicThx Food 52
9. Chicken Noodle Soup (When You Were Sick)
H/T + PicThx Easy Everyday Eats
8. Pancakes On Sunday
H/T + PicThx The Cynical Chef
7. Or That Other Amazing Breakfast She Would Make
H/T + PicThx Guidespot
6. Sloppy Joes with Tater Tots
H/T + PicThx Food Wishes
5. Apple Pie
H/T + PicThx Savannah’s Savory Bites
4. Spaghetti and Meatballs
H/T + PicThx Mantee Habitat
3. Baked Chicken
H/T + PicThx Have Spork, Will Travel
2. Crock Pots Galore
H/T + PicThx The Kitchn
1. PB&J (Crusts Optional)
H/T + PicThx Eatocracy
Happy Mother’s Day, mom(s)!
Love always,