Apparently Cadbury Crème Eggs Contain Traces of Beaver Butts

Halt! Put down that leftover Easter candy. You might want to read this first.
Before today, the most of your worries were whether or not ants managed to dig their way into your colorful plastic eggs, but it turns out the most terrifying part of one popular Easter treat actually comes from within.
According to the Huffington Post, Cadbury Crème Eggs contain an artificial sweetener called castoreum, commonly listed as “natural flavoring” in vanilla and raspberry-flavored treats and which is derived from, yes, the anal gland excretions of beavers.
Except a look on the castoreum Wikipedia page says the anal glands and castor glands are separate and that castoreum is actually used along with beaver urine to mark territory, so I’m not really sure which to believe.
But if I had to choose, I think I’d much rather have the latter. I mean, that’s like choosing between eating poop and drinking pee right? And it only makes sense to pick . . . pee . . . right?
H/T LAist + PicThx Wunderground