Why Creamy Peanut Butter Is — And Always Will Be — Better Than Chunky
It’s an age old debate which in truth reveals much more about a person than simple taste preference: Creamy or Chunky?
But the way I see it, it isn’t really that much of a debate, and it really has only two possible outcomes. You can either enjoy peanut butter the way it’s meant to be enjoyed (the very valid reasons for which are listed below). Or you can be terribly, terribly wrong.
Creamy is smooth.
Picthx Wellthy
It’s refined.
Picthx Open Source Food
It’s the kinda nut butter you’d be proud to take home to your parents.
Picthx Sun Coast Coop
And spend long nights all snuggled up with by the fireplace, reading Ernest Hemingway and drinking Cabernet Sauvignon.
Recipe for Peanut Butter Pot de Crème with Red Wine Suicide here.
It isn’t lumpy or rough around the edges.
Picthx Pretty Yummy Foods
And when it comes to sexy times, you just know it’d be a lot gentler than chunky would, in all the right ways.
Picthx Sun Orchard
And speaking of sexy times, the name “Creamy” just sounds sexier.
Picthx Windy Sydney
Try it with me for a sec.
Picthx Peanut Butter Lovers
Picthx Cook Republic
Ooh, yeahh, creamyyy.
Picthx whoaitsaimz
Picthx predrink
Frankly, chunky peanut butter just can’t compare.
Picthx Lucky Taste Buds
It isn’t smooth, it isn’t refined, it isn’t even fully developed.
Picthx Frugal Village
It’s like someone was in the middle of making perfect, delicious, velvety-smooth butter and then decided—fuggit!–#YOLO
Picthx French Fries to Flax Seeds
And left all these awful, jagged pieces of peanut lying around.
Picthx Little Things Big Things
But the texture is what makes it delicious? Please. I mean, why don’t you just eat plain peanuts if you love the texture so damn much?
Picthx Wiki
Just look at those things.
Picthx ardentepicure
They look like measles.
Picthx KMKeen
Or vomit chunks, ew.
Picthx Gourmet Gibbs
And I don’t want them anywhere near my precious peanut butter.
Picthx Photo Fenix
Not to mention the fact chunky peanut butter is super anti-social and terrible at mixers.
Picthx Cooking Whims
Or the completely-verified, completely-scientific fact that creamy is 78% less likely to kill you or break your teeth (probably).
Picthx javcon
Plus, according to this guy, chunky peanut butter is for communists.
In sum, creamy peanut butter is the best kind of peanut butter, period.
Picthx Pretty Yummy Foods