Potato Clock: It’s SCIENCE!

Oh potatoes. Is there anything you can’t do? I mean, I know there are things that a potato simply can’t do, obviously. I’ve never heard of a potato salvaging a failed marriage or anything and I’m pretty sure a potato can’t be president. Nevertheless, in addition to making the perfect side dish (in some way, shape, or form) to pretty much any meal prepared in the United States of America, it still manages the muster to power our digital clocks. I know I’m using a lot of hyperbole when I describe this particular vegetable, but honestly, when was the last time a piece of broccoli woke you up for an interview? Jussayin.

The kit comes with everything you need to start telling time by the power of potatoes, save for the actual potatoes. Just plug the electrodes in and let the potatoes handle the rest. ($10 @ Amazon)

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