‘Four Loko’ Turns Young Man Into a Naked Burglar
I’ve heard of some crazy nights being had with the soon-to-be-infamous and about-to-be-banned Four Loko energy/alcohol hybrid. None crazier than 20 year old Justin Barker who got drunk, got naked, and broke into a woman’s home in Pasco County only to pass out on her couch after terrorizing the place. He’s charged with two counts of burglary and one count of indecent exposure. He says he doesn’t remember anything, but the last thing he can recall from the evening was drinking a can of Four Loko. What a #DRUNKBeast! Why didn’t he ransack a Del Taco instead? That would have definitely helped the Four Loko hangover!
The Four Loko drink has been equated to “liquid cocaine” among the drinking circuit. Its elements of carbonation, sugar and natural + artificial flavoring, coupled with caffeine, taurine, guarana and alcohol make the drink a force to be reckoned with. It’s alcohol content ranges from area to area, but the ones we’ve seen around Southern California have a 12% ABV.
(PicThx ABCActionNews)