Kettle Brand Brings Back Jalapeno Jack, Cheddar Beer, Red Chili and Salsa Flavored Chips

kettle brand potato chips jalapeno jack red chili cheddar beer salsa mesquite

Kettle Brand Chips is heading over the hill with its 30th Birthday this year — although we hear 30 is the new 14. But the good news is that because every food brand likes to get excited with every anniversary, Kettle is bringing back 4 of the retired, yet ‘classic’ flavors including Jalapeno Jack, Cheddar Beer, Salsa with Mesquite and Red Chili.

Jalapeno Jack (the office favorite) originally debuted in 1989 and adds a creamy taste to the peppery crunch. Cheddar Beer, the most recently retired of the 4 flavors, was a fan-favorite in 2005 and combines sharp cheddar with malty beer tones.

Salsa Mesquite first launched in 1999 and includes a tomato, bell pepper, onion and garlic blend. And in my opinion is one of the first salsa-flavored chips that was actually worth eating. Red Chili was introduced in 1982 and apparently a Kettle Brand employee has campaigned for its return since its retired 23 years ago. Congratulations Jimmy, you got your chips back. Stock up while you can. The Red Chili combines the taste of a Lays Ketchup Chip and a salt n’ vinegar chip with a hint of spice.

The chips are currently available in 5 oz. bags at, and will be available in both the 5 oz. and 8.5 oz. bags in grocery and food stores nationwide by this fall. The 5 oz. bags should cost you a cool $2.79, 8.5 oz. around $3.49. These four flavors are labeled with ‘limited batch’ and will disappear by next summer.


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