Introducing New Air, Alcoholic Water in a Can

Move over Mac, this Air is set to steal the hearts and wallets of hipsters nationwide.

New Air “Alcohol Inspired Refresher,” created by the Mckenzie River Corporation (MCR), is something like a vodka soda, only not, having gone through a “patented process” which leaves it “virtually odorless, colorless, and tasteless,” like vodka, but being malt-based rather than distilled. The result is a carbonated, mildly alcoholic (only 4% ABV) water-soda-malt-vodka hybrid that is touted to be the “first” of its kind.

According to Drink Spirits, Air comes in berry, citrus and club flavors; is highly carbonated; and is best served chilled, which helps to mask the already minimal malt-based flavoring. Best of all, since it is malt-based and each can only holds about .48 ounces of booze, you can buy it in your local grocery store right next to the beer.

In order to promote its shiny new product, MCR and Vice Magazine have been hosting a series of nightclub launch parties up and down the west coast, asking partygoers to submit photos of themselves for a chance to win a trip to the final shindig in San Francisco on August 2.

“Our audience for Air is young, smart and very savvy,” MCR CEO Minott Wessinger says. “We’re a small company, so in launching any new product we try to engage our audience in fun, innovative and compelling ways.”

Your very own can of Air will be available for purchase soon in San Francisco, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Portland and Seattle, with plans for expansion to the rest of the country—4 for $6.99 or individually for $1.74.

See the promotional “launch” video here:

[Via Huffington Post, Drink SpiritsSF Gate]

What do you think of this lofty new invention? Would you buy alcoholic air in a can?

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