(Fake) Video Reveals (Fake) Plans for Coke in a Bag

In case you haven’t heard, over the past few days, the interweb has been in a tizzy over a video revealing plans to release new, eco-friendly, Coke-bottle-shaped plastic bags, in order to meet the needs of consumers worldwide who are unable to afford the more expensive glass bottles.

The video, featuring documentary-esque footage of neighborhood folk in El Salvador drinking first out of generic zip locks and then enjoying their new, branded plastic contraptions, reeks of capitalism and PR- lanthropy.

Too bad the video is completely fake.

According to Inhabitat, the Coca-Cola Company has just released a statement denying plans to release any kind of “Coke-in-a-Bag” product. “The plastic bags featured are not currently available in any of Coca-Cola’s markets and there are no plans to start producing them,” an editor’s note relates.

Based on the video alone, it’s hard to tell which is the bigger giveaway of its fakeness: the stock movie-trailer-voiced narrator, or the promise that purchasing and using these bags would cost the consumer not “a cent more.” In any case, it’s a cool idea that it definitely wouldn’t hurt the Coca-Cola Company to look into.

See the (amateur, but convincing) video for yourself here:

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