Substance Found in Celery and Parsley Can Fight Cancer

In the battle against cancer, it’s good to know what can and cannot help you prevent it. Cause let’s face it, everything gives you cancer nowadays. In this case, studies show that a substance known as apigenin, which can be found in celery and parsley, is known to help in a substantial way in cases of breast cancer.

A study conducted by researchers at the University of Missouri showed that apigenin is known to slow and reduce the production of cancer cells.

According Salman Hyder, professor of biomedical sciences in the College of Veterinary Medicine and the Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center, who co-authored the study:

“We do know that apigenin slowed the progression of human breast cancer cells in three ways: by inducing cell death, by inhibiting cell proliferation, and by reducing expression of a gene associated with cancer growth. Blood vessels responsible for feeding cancer cells also had smaller diameters in apigenin-treated mice compared to untreated mice. Smaller vessels mean restricted nutrient flow to the tumors and may have served to starve the cancer as well as limiting its ability to spread.”

A group of mice that were specially bred for this study were implanted specifically with breast-cancer cells. Then the mice were divided up with some given medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) and others given apigenin. The group of mice that received MPA developed tumor growth, while the others given apigenin actually caused tumors to decrease in size.

The rest of the study published can be found in the journal Hormones and Cancer.

via: Huffington Post and MU News Bureau

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