Go From Sober to Drunk, With Just One Spray

It’s called the WA|HH Quantum Sensations spray, and it gets you drunk for a few seconds with no aftereffects. The utility of the product is up in the air, but regardless, I can probably fill a football field, in minutes, with the amount of people who’d be down to be the guinea pigs.
Each spray from the device will only give you .075 milliliters of alcohol. Apparently, thanks to the way the specially designed spray mechanism sends the liquid into your mouth, the inebriation effect is full and instantaneous. Once the effect wears off, the claim is that you won’t have a headache, and you can pass an alcohol test after use.
The small aerosol can was put together by French designer Philippe Starck and Franco-American scientist David Edwards. The unit, presented at an exhibition in Paris, “looks like a stick of lipstick,” but one spray release has the minimum quantity for the microparticles to stimulate the brain.
The apparent pros of this is that many of the dangers of traditional alcohol consumption are avoided. A drink may traditionally contain between 40 to 60ml of alcohol, while with the use of the Wahh Quantum Sensations, it would take nearly 1,000 sprays to consume that amount.
This isn’t scientist David Edwards’ first spray rodeo. You may recall his last product, Whif, which allowed you to breath flavors like chocolate or coffee, without having to eat or drink them. Apparently they sold 400,000 of these units.
I can’t contain myself. Getting a quick drunk off a spray, wooing the girl of my dreams, and then being able to safely drive her back to my place without having to have an unsafe blood alcohol level?
Someone put me on the pre-order, apparently a unit is going for around $26!