New Spicy Buffalo Wheat Thins, Tracy Morgan to Promote

Wheat Thins has tapped actor and comedian Tracy Morgan of 30 Rock fame to to star in the snack company’s latest campaign to promote the new Spicy Buffalo Wheat Thins. In the commercial, Tracy Morgan is seen chomping on the new Thins amidst room of his pet gerbils. Oh yeah, he’s wearing a one-piece pajama, because, what else would Tracy Morgan be wearing if he was at home, not giving a rat’s ass?

The new Spicy Buffalo Wheat Thins carry a light kick, taste good, and are even acceptable if you’re not a huge fan buffalo flavor. Don’t let “spicy” deter you, each crisp has very light notes of buffalo sauce and even lighter semblances of spiciness.

Here is Tracy Morgan, a floor full of gerbils, and a pretty awesome onesie:

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