Paper Dishes, by the Slice

As someone who is constantly greasing their fingers with the wildest of pizza crusts and messiest of sauces, you can imagine my fluttering heart when I was introduced to this award-winning Paper Dish idea. The Paper Dish, an idea that sets a miniature, tear away paper plate for each pizza slice in a box, came from the minds of Yu Kyung Ha, Won Min Jung and Kwon Young Hee.

Paper Dish is a perforated sheet that can be torn apart, used as a mini plate, and has a secondary perforation that allows it to be split into two pieces for double usage. With an innovation this sexy, it’s no surprise these plates won a Red Dot Design Award.

For you avid pizza-orderers, is this an idea you could latch on to? Would you like to see the big boys like Pizza Hut, Domino’s and Papa John’s implement these plates into their boxes?

[via Gizmodo]

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