Sriracha Shirt Will Make Your Hipster Friends #JEALOUS

Sriracha ain’t a hipster ingredient, it’s not underground, it’s not some secret you and yours “been done usin'” and these new foodies “are jockin’ us.” Yes, Sriracha is the hot chili sauce that works well on pretty much anything (I’d be damned if it didn’t taste passable on some vanilla ice cream), and it looks pretty awesome on a red tee as well.

I’m pretty sure this Etsy user doesn’t have official rights to the Sriracha branding, but more power to this home screen printer for putting two and two together and getting a few dollars before he gets slapped with a cease-and-desist. If you can put Sriracha on a peanut butter cookie, it’s #cool for it to be on a t-shirt. ($13.00 @ Etsy)


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