A BBQ Chicken Sandwich That Stays Fresh for 2 Years!

I’m not a fan of war, but the military has definitely left us with some awesome inventions — computers, the Internet, and now sandwiches that stay fresh for 2 years? Mind blowing? Yes, I know.

How did they do it? Senior food technologist, Michelle Richardson, at the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center has done it by combating the number one enemy scum: ROT! Controlling the pH, water activity, moisture content, and oxygen inside the packaging was critical to creating what is known as the “Pocket Sandwich.”

What’s next on the horizon? Richardson says Pizza. Yumm? I don’t know about that, I’m still skeptical about eating food that sits around for that long, but it’d sure be helpful in a zombie apocalypse.

[via npr.com / photo credit: Bob Reinert]

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