Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Sides With the 99%

Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, co-founders of Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Inc., will soon be further explaining how they share many of the values supported by the “Occupy Wall Street” movement. The company has already made a section of their site dedicated to their stand on particular issues, and have generally voiced support for all those who have “initiated the non-violent Occupy Wall Street Movement and to those around the country who have joined in solidarity.”

Here are some key points Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream finds of importance:

  • The inequity that exists between classes in our country is simply immoral.
  • We are in an unemployment crisis. Almost 14 million people are unemployed. Nearly 20% of African American men are unemployed. Over 25% of our nation’s youth are unemployed.
  • Many workers who have jobs have to work 2 or 3 of them just to scrape by.
  • Higher education is almost impossible to obtain without going deeply in debt.
  • Corporations are permitted to spend unlimited resources to influence elections while stockpiling a trillion dollars rather than hiring people.
The two co-founders will be at the National Press Club Newsmaker takes place at 10 a.m. Monday, December 12th in the Holeman Lounge of the National Press Club. The two will be joined by Jostein Solheim (CEO of Ben & Jerry’s) and Jeff Furman, chairman of the board of Ben & Jerry’s, to answer questions about the company’s progressive values and strong support for the “Occupy Wall Street” movement.


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