McDonald’s Lawyers Outsmart San Francisco’s Happy Meal Ban

The hotly contested McDonald’s Happy Meal Ban in San Francisco is set to go into effect on Thursday, December 1st — just a few days away. The new law would force restaurants to comply with city-generated nutritional standards to include a toy with their meals. Issue? Not even McDonald’s newly released “healthier” happy meals will meet those standards, according to an SF Weekly blog post.

Leave it to McDonald’s to turn a potential negative into a potential positive for their bottom line. Come December 1st, you can still buy the “Happy Meal,” but it doesn’t come with a toy. If you’re looking for a toy…it’ll cost you an extra 10-cents.

For the moment, it seems McDonald’s has found a way around the Happy Meal Ban. Looks like the next move belongs to San Francisco’s Supervisor Eric Mar and his legislative team.

[via SFWeekly]

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