A Ridiculous Look At Where Our Food Is Coming From [INFOGRAPHIC]

This Thanksgiving 221,000,000 pounds of turkey were consumed, and according to some research from FrugalDad, we now know 30% of those turkeys will come from Butterball. 50% of the groceries people in the US will come from 4 supermarket chains. All of these facts go into a pretty dramatic infographic that lays into “Big Food” pretty heavy (see below).

If even remotely true, one of the scarier bits of information that can be pulled from the graphic is that Big Food will help the average American male consume a body-warping 35 pounds of antibiotics via store-bought meat over his lifetime.

We’ll let the rest of the graphic speak for itself (clicking on the image will pop up a larger version). What do you all think of the findings? Should we be more aware of Big Food? Maybe we should be more active in seeking alternatives to the processed food giants that currently serve our country?


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