The Top 5 Showstoppers At SoCal’s Grandest Gingerbread Showdown

Discovery Cube’s Science of Gingerbread competition delivers every winter with some jaw-dropping and show-stopping gingerbread creations from all ages. And while a particular gingerbread rendition of an In-N-Out restaurant garnered some viral ooh’s and aah’s, the Science of Gingerbread competition had more in store for folks in terms of other stunning entries.

The following are five noteworthy gingerbread creations that you can check out now at Discovery Cube’s Science of Gingerbread competition.

Barbie’s Dream House

A Mojo Dojo Casa House this is not. This awesome gingerbread recreation of Barbie’s dream house is laden in pink frosting and includes all the tasty details, from the intricate umbrellas and beach pool chairs to the pink-patterned chimney skying high above.

Griffith Observatory

Southern California’s “gateway to the cosmos” gets the sweet gingerbread treatment and is decked out in expertly laid vanilla frosting to capture the iconic structure’s bleached white exterior. Its smooth domes and manicured lawn complete with Christmas decorations make for one memorable creation.

Santa’s Sun Shack

Just looking at this gingerbread creation makes me want to take a vacation ASAP. This is a sterling example of using pretzel sticks to create a sense of realism. A peppermint candy slide and clever surf decor really add to the easy-going vibe of this wonderful work.

Monster House

This menacing Monster House is something straight out of a Tim Burton flick. Imaginations definitely ran wild at record time with this gingerbread structure, as it comes to life with alarming details like jagged chompers and a terrified kid attempting to scram. Who says gingerbread houses can’t evoke some silly scares?

Super Mario World

Super may be an understatement for this staggering entry. This gingerbread creation, entitled “Super ES Pros,” proves that there’s levels to this — pun intended. Varied layers of sweets create each platform, which are all dotted with Super Mario World characters and details. Forget drooling over this wondrous example, I’m ready to plug in a controller and play it!

The public is welcome to check out all the remarkable gingerbread entries until January 7, 2024 at both Discovery Cube campuses in Los Angeles County and Orange County.

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