Watch This Chef Hilariously Clap Back At Clueless Yelp Reviewers

Chef Gene Villiatora of celebrated Hawaiian eatery, Ai Pono Cafe, in Costa Mesa, California is not scared of you Yelp reviewers, who have earned a reputation in the restaurant industry for being an entitled and insufferable mass of keyboard warriors that have been given a platform to empower their sense of being a qualified restaurant critic. Simply put, Yelp reviewers have come to be the equivalent of the average Joe swearing that they’re a better playmaker than Steph Curry.

And Chef Gene’s had enough of them. Him declaring “The dumbest thing ever created for the culinary industry, besides cooking shows, is Yelp,” sets the tone for what’s to come next in this hilarious video clip.

Admittedly, Chef Villiatora’s not above being critiqued, as he shares that as an alum of the show Top Chef, “I’m not against criticism, because I was criticized on national television. So there’s nothing that can be worse.” However, he’s got all the smoke for Yelp reviewers who have no clue what they’re talking about.

“You guys have five food reviews and you guys know nothing about Hawaii,” snaps Gene at one Yelp reviewer.

The video’s caption gives some simple, yet crucial, advice on how to not be an excruciating Yelp reviewer: “Restaurant etiquette (101) if something is wrong or not to your liking then say something or bring it to the establishments attention, so they can fix it!!!!”

Definitely take note, Keyboard Karens and Kens.

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