Miller High Life Makes Beer-Infused Chocolate Truffles Inspired By Bar Food Favorites

Miller High Life, the champagne of beers, is now elevating the bar snack.

The well-known beer brand has partnered with award-winning chocolatier Phillip Ashley to create Miller High Life Bar Snack Truffles, a collection of beer-infused chocolates that celebrate iconic bar snacks. 

Ashley has created six gourmet chocolates, each infused with Miller High Life and inspired by his favorite bar food, to create six bites to go with your six pack. 

The flavors include:

Grilled Cheese: triple cream cheese white chocolate ganache in a blond chocolate shell
Lemon Pepper Chicken Wing: a fried chicken ganache infused with lemon pepper seasoning
Pretzel Praline: salted pretzel and roasted pecans combined with handcrafted caramel and blond chocolate
Beernut: freshly roasted peanuts soaked in the beer then ground into our fragrant butter and enrobed in a milk chocolate shell
Buttery Popcorn: white chocolate ganache infused with movie theater style popcorn
Sweet Potato Fry: garnett sweet potato mash blended with blond chocolate. 

The Miller High Life Bar Snack Truffles go on sale on National Truffle Day (May 2) here for $35.

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