Snickers Denies ‘Dick Veins’ Removed From Candy Bar, Other Brands Hilariously Chimed In

Apparently a recent rumor going around the internet had Snickers getting rid of the ‘veiny’ texture on their candy bars, instead opting for a new, smoothed out version of it. The texture on Snickers has been likened to ‘dick veins’, and now I can’t unsee it. Thanks Internet.

Though accusations of the ‘woke mob’ canceling the dick veins on Snickers bars is a hilarious indication of where we’re at in societal context these days, the candy bar brand doubled down and eased the worries of phallic vein enthusiasts everywhere, as the tweet above indicated.

What proved more entertaining, however, were various brands chiming in with their reactions to the dick veins on Snickers bars remaining:

You know the discussion’s taken a wrong turn somewhere when Fleshlight has a say. Well, it looks as if Snickers’ Twitter is horny when its hungry. Maybe it should have a Snickers — dick veins and all.

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