Maker’s Mark Enters the NFT Race

NFT creators, Party Horses, recently announced Maker’s Mark will be its official bourbon partner for 2022 and will supply limited-edition Party Horses commemorative labels and NFTs to 1,000 customers in the coming months. 

The premise for the collab? What if horses attended the Kentucky Derby to cheer on the human race? 

The first digital event occurs today, when a list of 2,000 customers will be able to pre-mint NFTs, granting whitelist access. 10,000 Party Horses will mint two weeks later, on March 15, unless otherwise notified. NFT holders will be able to access exclusive events, like an exclusive pre-Derby concert with more to be announced soon. 

Party Horses began as a Louisville-based project by co-founders Justin Delaney, a serial entrepreneur, and Brook Smith, a philanthropist and racehorse owner. 

“We want our mission to be simple to understand,” said Party Horses Co-Founder Justin Delaney. “Use Web3 for good, have fun, create beauty, destabilize the disappointing, and collaborate with others to build amazing things.” 

And what’s more fun than bourbon and horse racing?

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